During the final weeks of Rev. Greg’s time at Castlegar UC, we will host a series to enhance the lay leadership in our midst.
All are welcome to participate in these gatherings (foreseen to be online only).
Until further notice, use this link to join the sessions.
May 21
Composing Prayers
A collect, a litany, intercessions — what do these mean? When do I use them?
Is a call to worship considered a prayer?
During this session we will consider these and other questions. We’ll consider the form and function of prayer, when to use different prayers in a worship service, and the online resources available for preparing a prayer for public worship.
May 28
Facilitating Meetings (including aspects of Zoom)
What makes for an effective meeting?
How do I use Zoom as a host?
Do we have group norms in the church?
Everyone approaches meetings a little differently. Some folks love meetings while others basically count the agenda items until we can go home. Either way, putting our heads and hearts together at the same time is a vital way to solve challenges and ensure faithfulness to our mission as a church.
June 4
Preparing and Delivering a Sermon
Is there a process for writing a sermon?
Are there certain elements a sermon must have?
Where does one even start?
I (Greg) used to be awestruck that someone could prepare and deliver a sermon every single week. Don’t they run out of things to say? Then I learned how to approach the task. (I also learned that a preacher really only has 4 sermons; each one is a permutation of one of the core 4!)
During this session we’ll consider different approaches to the task at hand so each of us is empowered to proclaim God’s promise of new life.
June 11
Offering Pastoral Care
What is pastoral care?
Can anyone offer pastoral care?
What should I do if I’m in a situation of offering care?
When should I include a minister/pastor? A counsellor? A therapist?
During this session we will answer these questions, and even do a little bit of role-playing!
June 18
Leading a Worship Service
What is the flow of a typical worship service in the United Church?
How much can I change the typical structure?
How do I balance innovation/creativity with tradition/familiarity?
We will consider these questions and more as we examine the elements of a worship service and what makes the experience meaningful (or not).