Our Facility
Wedding ceremonies take place in the sanctuary, which seats 150 people comfortably.
Most couples go elsewhere for the reception because alcohol is not consumed on the church premises, but the gym downstairs is available for receptions. There is a lounge upstairs for small receptions with light refreshments. The kitchen downstairs—beside the gym—is suitable for preparing large meals.
Our church building is very accessible for those with mobility challenges. The Sanctuary is at ground level with the parking lot. There is a chair lift for accessing the gym downstairs.
Hearing aid users that have activated their “t-coil” can use our new hearing loop. Loop listeners are available for those without hearing aids.
There is an upright piano available and several microphones. The sound system and projection system are both excellent. There is also a camera system for broadcasting and recording on YouTube.

Fee Schedule As of February 2022
Space: Sanctuary and lounge $200
Basement gym and kitchen $150
Honoraria: Minister $225
Pianist $150
Music Rehearsal (if needed) $50
Payment is normally given to the minister at the rehearsal.

Marriage Policy
All weddings performed in the church are subject to our marriage policy:
1. Castlegar-Kinnaird Pastoral Charge celebrates the marriage of all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, class, faith background, citizenship and ability.
2. Couples preparing to be married are active participants in the celebration and ceremony.
a. Couples will meet with the minister to determine details of the ceremony.
b. In preparation for marriage couples participate in pre-marriage counseling. Ministerial staff may offer this service.
3. The Minister of Castlegar-Kinnaird Pastoral Charge is authorized to celebrate weddings in locations other than the church building.
4. Officiants not related to the Castlegar-Kinnaird Pastoral Charge are welcome to perform ceremonies pending approval of the Governing Body.