I arrived in Castlegar about 2 years ago, and was happy to find my new church home at Castlegar United Church. The people were welcoming and made me feel as though I belonged. The words of the hymn “come in, sit down, you are a part of the family” truly reflect the atmosphere at Castlegar United.
I started attending Castlegar United Church on a regular basis after choosing to have our eldest son baptized. That was 37 years ago. I have attended the Friday Bible study group for several years and enjoy the banter we share, as much (or dare I say moreso?) as the Bible reading. I have been involved with the M&P committee and I continue to be the Board/Executive secretary. The meetings I attend with other members of the Board/Executive are informative and important. I really enjoy the friendships I have discovered along the way. I like that the Church is welcoming of all people, and friendly faces are everywhere.
I first came to Castlegar United to assist my ageing mother. Then I found a place of my own. Singing in the choir has been wonderful. They twisted my arm to join the board, and then I became chair, and that has been a great experience.
Mostly I appreciate the moments of quiet, like when we light the Christ candle. The moment that stands out the most, though, is my baptism as an adult. I’ll never forget that.
Most of the meaning I feel in our church comes from connecting with the other people involved in our congregation, as well as the leadership that is provided–either paid, structured leadership or other members who feed and nourish on a daily basis.
I appreciate that our Un-Church program appeals to people of a variety of socio-economic backgrounds, and that it creates a warm atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement. And there is some pretty great food.
I’m excited that we’re trying new things and finding our way. I particularly like our focus on social justice and reconciliation. I also really appreciate that we are stretching into the community, further outside the walls of the church than we did a generation ago.
I sincerely enjoy my church community, which, since retiring, has become my biggest social outlet. There’s such a positive spirit in the building and among the people who attend.
Recently, the Pie Day Committee has become an important area of involvement for me…not just because I love pie, but also because of the fundraising that allows us to support other organizations in the area.
I’m also enjoying the leadership of our minister!