Over its 90+ years of since union (1925), The United Church of Canada has adopted several faith statements.
In 2006, A Song of Faith was added to the living collection of faith statements. This resonates strongly with us at Castlegar United, although we don't read from it very often.
In 1968, the denomination adopted A New Creed, which our congregation says together after Communion (Eucharist) on the first Sunday of the month. A New Creed was revised in 1980 to reflect a desire for gender-inclusive language. It was revised again in 1994 to add the words "to live with respect in Creation."
In 1940, A Statement of Faith joined the credal repertoire.
At Union in 1925, the Basis of Union included a "doctrines" section that helped the uniting denominations realize that their belief aligned.
None of these superseded any of the previous statements. Instead, the new statements were seen to broader the tent such that all could find a place of meaning and belonging, and oneness with God.