Blue Christmas: Service of the Longest Night

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Join us at 4 pm on Saturday, December 21st for our Blue Christmas Service. The 21st is the longest night of the year, also known as Winter Solstice. On this day, we recognize that Christmastime holds a lot of difficult feelings for many people. Amid the merry, merry, and the ho!ho!ho!, many of us are grieving the loss of a loved one, or a past that has ceased to be through divorce, job loss, or other major life shift. It is important to make space for those feelings, and to offer up to God our whole selves, not just the cheerful parts. Come light a candle, say a prayer, sing, and listen, as we hold one another in the challenges of the season.

Advent and Christmas 2024

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We have a busy month ahead of us! Here are some of the things going on either at Castlegar United Church or in connection with us at other locations:
Sunday, Dec. 1, 10 am Communion Worship, Advent 1, Brass Trio plays
Monday, Dec. 2, 3 pm Worship at Castle Wood Village
Sunday, Dec. 8, 10 am Worship Advent 2 White Gift Sunday (bring gifts for Food Bank), Choir Sings,
2 pm Worship at Castleview Care Centre
Monday, Dec. 9, 12 pm Thrift Store Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon in the Gym
Sunday, Dec. 15, 10 am Worship, Advent 3, Bell Choir plays, 2 pm Community Carol Sing at New Life Assembly (with the Choir and the Bell Choir)
Monday, Dec. 16, 3 pm Worship at Castle Wood Village
Saturday, Dec. 21, 11 am Interfaith Prayers for Peace at the Brilliant Cultural Centre, 4 pm Blue Christmas/Longest Night Prayer Service
Sunday, Dec. 22, 10 am Worship, Advent 4, Choir Sings, 7 pm Christmas Service at Robson Memorial Church
Tuesday, Dec. 24, 7 pm Christmas Eve Service
Sunday, Dec. 29, 10 am Christmas Child Within Worship, Solo Bells with Piano
Sunday, Jan. 5, 10 am Epiphany Communion Worship, Trumpet and Organ Duet
May we all feel the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ this season!

Prayers for Peace

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On October 7, 2024 we will gather for a time of prayer in front of Castlegar City Hall from noon to 12:30 pm to mark the one year anniversary of the start of the most recent armed conflict between Palestine and Israel. The fighting began began with the Hamas-led attacks and kidnappings of October 7, 2023 followed by the brutal retaliation back and forth between the two nations, which has left so many civilians, especially Palestinians, dead or displaced. We mourn all loss of life in this war and pray for peace to come quickly to the area. People of all faiths are invited to join. This event is held in cooperation with the Kootenay Region Branch of the United Nations Association.

Faithful Fitness Moved!

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Our Faithful Fitness Fall Exploration dates and times have been changed to Mondays beginning after Thanksgiving!

What has our faith got to do with fitness? EVERYTHING! You are wonderfully and fearfully made by God!

Join together for a time of physical and spiritual exercise on Monday mornings 9:30-10:30 in the Church Sanctuary starting October 21st and going to December 23rd, 2024. (No session on November 11th.) In each session we will have a time of prayer, read a fitness devotional, and then follow along a gentle exercise video together as we encourage one another in our individual healthy living goals.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up…” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

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