• Seek
    by abandoning knowledge
  • Seek
    by losing certainty
  • Seek
    by setting boundaries
Sequence.js Preloading IndicatorThree orange dots increasing in size from left to right

Learning, leading, and loving in the light of God

Our Vision

We envision our church community as vibrant and bold, embodying the reconciling Way of Jesus.

Our Affirming Statement

We affirm the inherent value of all life. We affirm that all people of any gender identity or sexual orientation have a place of worship, leadership, and discipleship in Castlegar United Church.

Our Values

We see these values as foundational to who we are: - Acceptance and Diversity - Belonging and Community - Fairness and Advocacy - Hospitality and Friendliness - Care and Compassion

Latest from the Blog

Advent and Christmas 2024


We have a busy month ahead of us! Here are some of the things going on either at Castlegar United Church or in connection with us at other locations: Sunday, Dec. 1, 10... Read More