Summer Job Position

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We are delighted to have received funding from Canada Summer Jobs to be able to hire a young person to gain work experience in a variety of skills this summer!

Resource Assistant / Summer Student
Castlegar United Church

Reports To
The Resource Assistant will report to the church minister

Job Overview
This is an eight-week summer position commencing July 4, 2022 and ending August 28, 2022. The work week is 30 hours, Sunday to Thursday, at the church with some possible work from home. The desired duties and responsibilities of the Resource Assistant are listed below, but assignment of tasks will inevitably vary according to the talents and experience of the candidate selected for the position.

Responsibilities and Duties are:
• Updating the church membership data base
• Assisting with the church worship technology on Sunday mornings – overhead projector and power-point as well as YouTube operation.
• Working with the minister to develop worship resources such as slides, videos and other visual displays.
• Assisting the Camp Spirit children’s day camp team at the Castlegar United Church location.
• Organizing supplies and spaces for the Youth Group and Sunday School within the church building.
• Using social media and other communication tools to promote church activities and programs.
• Assisting in sorting church records to be sent to Regional Church Archives.
• Other duties as assigned by the Minister

Qualifications – Skills – Prerequisites
• Must have or be willing to submit a Criminal Record Check.
• 19+ is preferred
• Must have a solid working knowledge of MS Office or Open Office and PC computer use
• Knowledge of OBS Software and /or WordPress a bonus
• Must be organized and good at problem solving
• Must enjoy working with people of all ages
• Must qualify for the Canada Summer Jobs program

Castlegar United Church encourages people of any ethnic, cultural or religious background, sexuality, gender identity, mobility challenge, and/or racial identity to apply. Please send a cover letter and resume to:
John Duckworth
Castlegar United Church
809 Merry Creek Rd, Castlegar, BC V1N 2P1
Or email office @

Holy Week and Easter Services

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We are happy to be able to offer hybrid in-person and YouTube worship during Holy Week and Easter 2022!
Good Friday at 10 am with special music by the Spirit Winds Recorder Ensemble
Easter Sunrise Service at 8 am outdoors (in-person only) at the church parking lot followed by coffee indoors
Easter Sunday Worship at 10 am with special music by the Castlegar United Church Beginner’s Bell Choir
Masks and proof of vaccination are required for in-person indoor worship.

Sinixt Workshop Rescheduled

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Our Sinixt Workshop has been rescheduled!

Join us March 1st, 6:30-8 pm in-person with proof of vaccination, for an evening of learning about the history of the Sinixt people with Lori Barkley, Staff Anthropologist for the Autonomous Sinixt. This will be primarily an in-person event at the church building at 809 Merry Creek Rd, however a Zoom link is available by contacting us here.

Those attending should do some pre-workshop reading if possible:

An additional PDF reading is available by request via email.

Annual Report 2021

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Our Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) is February 6, 2022 following worship. The meeting will be on Zoom beginning around 11:30 am. The link is available in the Church Chimes e-mail newsletter or by contacting the office.

Click here for the report on our activities in 2021.

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